Reconstructive Surgery

Reconstructive Surgery aims to improve form and function through non-operative treatment and surgical procedures. We work within The Rehab Team to accurately diagnose and assess, tailoring non-operative treatment including pain management, exercise programmes, activity modification, device and prosthetic usage, as well as disease modifying injections such as corticosteroid and botulinum toxin.
Function requires nerves, muscles and tendons to work in a co-ordinated fashion to make joints move. These structures need to be covered by healthy, flexible skin. Surgery can repair, release, transfer and even replace these structures, maximising function that may have been lost through injury, disease or disability. Reconstructive Surgery can treat traumatic and sports injuries, arthritis, nerve syndromes, tendonitis, stroke, spasticity, brain and spinal injury.
Our Reconstructive Surgery Specialists
Dr James Ledgard
Reconstructive SurgeryJames Ledgard is a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who works on the North Shore of Sydney as well…
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